
MetriScore: Automotive Benchmarking

Benchmark your dealerships' performance against automotive industry leaders using the best market indicators and adopt best practices to maximize your business.


MetriScore is an accounting benchmarking software for the automotive sector that combines the power of data and the consulting expertise of industry experts. Therefore it offers:

Estado de resultados de departamentalizado
  • 24/7 automatic and detailed visibility of the Becnhmark.

  • Top of the line financial and operational performance indicators for the sector.


  • Easy tracking of each dealership's position within your group's benchmark, safeguarding its identity and position to others.

  • Glossary of relevant concepts for the Benchmark.

Gráficas puente
Comparativo de indicadores de desempeño

Departmentalized and comparative management income statement (average, best and worst performance)

Benefits that help you improve the performance of your dealerships

Análisis automático

Automatic analysis

Benchmark entre mis sucursales

Benchmark between my branches

Benchmark contra el mercado

Benchmark against the market

Información directa del DMS

DMS direct information

Información diaria

Daily update

Criterios homologados

Approved criteria

Validación periódica

Periodic validation

Detección de fortalezas y debilidades

Strengths and weaknesses detection

Crecimiento y aplicación de mejores practicas

Growth and application of best practices


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